Thursday, 30 July 2020

Week 1 Qwest: music ~Paige

Qwest passion project.  
Bridget, Eamon, Caleb and I are doing music. we are going to learn a new instrument and song. I already know how to play piano, keyboard and ukulele so Im going to learn a new song on piano. So far I have been teaching Bridget how to play piano. Next step is to teach a whole song to Bridget. Im not sure what Eamon and Caleb are 

doing but they are probably going to try get better at there instrument and learn a new song. Eamon and Caleb wanted to make a band but me and Bridget didn't want to so we are just going to do our own thing. Me and Bridget dont know what song we are going to learn yet but I hope it will be good and fun to learn. we have decided on 7 

years old by Lukas Graham.  I already know how to play a little bit of it so Im teaching Bridget it and then when shes all caught up we will learn the rest together. Caleb and Eamon are learning a song by cage the elephant. But they arent sure what song to do from them yet. Eamon plays drums and Caleb plays guitar so they are going to do a 

song together and me and Bridget will play a song together. Caleb and Eamon have decided to learn the song I bet you look good on the in one ear by cage the elephant. know we are going to go to the practice room and play our songs. on the   29th of July I practice more of the song while Bridget was away sick. Its starting to get really good and cant wait to teach it to Bridget. 

week 4
11th of august: 

 to learn a hole song on the piano and teach Bridget it. 
I've been teaching Bridget the part I know of the song and then carry on from there. 

Ill share what I've succeeded and learnt. Ill also update my blog. 

when Bridget and I have learnt the hole song. 

12th of august

today Bridget and I are going to learn the next part of the song. But before we do I have to teach her how to add in the back sound. Meaning, Im going to teach her how to use to hands and play it all together. once she has mastered that then we shall move on the the next part of the song. this might take a while because she will have to 

how to relax her hands and just feel the music. once she has mastered that and can play the song she should be able to run threw the song smoothly and not rushed. hopefully we can finish the hole song by the end of Qwest and be happy with our results of progress. once we have learnt the hole song we will film it and show the teacher. Since I get 
stage fright I think filming it will be a lot easier for me and Bridget. 

13th of August

Today I will be teaching Bridget the rest of the song. She has got the first part down pretty well so I think its time to move on. Before we will play we will do some deep breathing and hand excursive. this will help her relax and play smoothly. 

2nd of September 

for the past few days I haven't had a lot of time to write. so today Ill catch you up on what we have been doing. Im still teaching Bridget the part I know already because she isn't quiet there yet. but once she has it we will move on with the next part. Im very 

proud of her progress in Qwest because at the start she didn't know anything and now she is turning into a pro. she has learnt how to relax her figures and now she is learning how to play through the song smoothly. now I guess we will just go and play and 

once she has learnt the bit I've been teaching and she can play it like its nothing we will move on and play the next part.  

9th of September 
Today we will just be doing the same as always because Bridget is still learning the last part of the song. she has come along way and she recently got a keyboard to borrow from a friend so she can practice the song at home aswell.

 16th of September
Today we are going to learn the next part of the song. Bridget has been working really hard and Im so excited for her to be able to play through the hole song (that we have learnt) like me. before we play we will take 3 mindful breaths to relax our body including our hands so its easier to play smoothly. 

14th October
today me and Bridget are going to get used to the song again since we haven't been at school. once we know the song again which should be easy to remember, we will try and learn the next part of the song. we are getting really tired of repeating the song so we hope we learn the rest as soon as possible. we really want to learn a  new song so I hope 

we finish soon. I have a keyboard at home so I've been practising some of the song at home aswell. Im really excited to finish the song which will take awhile since its kinda confusing to play but we are getting really good. Im really proud on how far Bridget's gotten with the piano since she didn't know any of it at the

 start and now she knows nearly all of it that we have learnt. we are only 30 seconds into the song which might not seem long but we are self taught so we are proud of our progress. so I guess we will be going off now and learn the rest of the song. 

October 20th

today Bridget isn't here so I've decided to go onto the stage and listen to the notes on YouTube and memorise it because I heard if you memorise then play it will help you get through the song faster. I hope Bridget comes back soon so we can learn it together again.

October 22nd

Bridget isn't here again so im just going to do the same thing as yesterday and practice without her. ive been learning the theme song from twilight while she hasn't been here because we need to be working at the same speed. 

October 28th 

Today Bridget is here so we are going to head  to the music room and practice as we do. we will do our hand relaxation method which is playing a song to warm our hands up then relax our hands by warming them up as if you were going to do gymnastics. then we will play the song till Bridget can play through the song smoothly again then learn 

the next part of the song. we have been learning the same part for a while so its going to be good to finally move on the the next part. Im excited to move on with the next part and finally finish the song. we will film the part we know already and put a link so Mr Bermingham can see our progress. Me and Bridget have recorded but we want to 

record again because Caleb wouldn't allow us to film with a quiet background. he wouldn't stop playing guitar when we told him to stop for a little bit so we can film. so we are going to record when we arent in the same room so its more quiet.  we also dont know how to add the video into this page. ive tried many things but still hasn't work. 

October 29th

Today me and Bridget are going to do the same thing we did yesterday and try and get our own room so we can film again. the reason we need to film again is because we need it to be quiet so theirs no interference. 

November 4th

today we will just be doing what we do every other day and master a knew part of the song. I really hope we can finish the song soon so we can learn a knew song. 

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